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Wednesday, 11 May 2011

A Poem for Parents

I discovered a poetry competition blog and thought I'd give it a go. Poetry isn't a strength of mine but here it is as today's post.

Boastful and young
Do they know they're naive?
They believe what you say
So tell them they'll achieve

If you don't want a world
Full of war drought and hunger
For the future generations
Believe in them though they're younger

If the world should still turn
In times not gone yet to pass
Tell them true
Tell them clear
Speak to them as a peer
Help them learn and understand
Tell them you'll lend a hand

If you do then just know
You've affected the flow
So it's turned
It's diverted
You've helped them grow
Helped them learn

Be assured and be certain
Earth will bloom
It won't burn


  1. If you're not talented with poems, I'd hate to compete with you at something you saw yourself as talented in, you'd absolutely thrash me. Its brilliant, I really enjoyed it. Such true words, so well expressed.
    The Lonely Recluse.

  2. I like the optimism of this poem.

  3. Such a strong and apt message for the older generation to pass on to the young.

  4. "Believe in them though they're younger".....i like this line, so simple yet it speaks volume....

    such a nice poem for parents, glad I visited.
    thanks for sharing :)

  5. From one Andy to the next...hello and congrats on joining Poets United!

    I've always believed that if children are given proper guidance at home, right from an early age, most of them will take what they've learned into adulthood & beyond and may even continue the generation teaching when they eventually become parents the circle of life teaching and learning.

    You did good with this one.
    I hope to read more from you.

    Thanks for sharing & for the kind words over at my blog.

  6. Don't sell yourself short, Andy. You CAN write poetry. I am following you, hope you will follow me too.

  7. A powerful message, and well conveyed. The need for right communication well emaphsised. Kudos :)

  8. I like the hopeful sentiment throughout the poem. Keep up the good work!

  9. Really a way we are what we're told..hmm
    Enjoy the rally! I hope you win :)

  10. Wonderful message. Wonderful poem for parents. Well done!

  11. Brilliant poem. Conveys a really strong message, well done.
